Its an ambigram that says: 'come what may', words that really mean a lot to us. I am still so baffled that his mom didn't say anything else about it. I think that she either assumes its something to do with me, or she just dismissed it as her son doing whatever he wanted in America. I don't know. There has been ONE occasion that he had said he had a girlfriend in America. She didn't get much chance to say anything at the time, because he had bad reception and his calls kept dropping. She still hasn't said anything about it after that. But, he said he needed to tell them soon, so that if they don't agree, he could find a job here in the states. He said that he needed to do something soon, because he didn't think that it would be that hard without me, and that he was wrong. *Sigh* Hopefully within the next 3 months, I will have gotten my divorce from my first marriage over and done with, and I'll have started the process to get my passport. Fingers crossed!!! I was and still am really looking forward to going to India. Even if we don't end up living there, I at least want to visit once. It just looks so interesting, unique, colorful, etc.
In a few minutes here, I'll be going to the park again with another friend who is trying to lose weight. Every time I see him it seems as if he has shed 10-15 lbs! He is doing very good, and I hope I can have the same success. I am going to try to coerce him to go on a longer trail with me. I've never done any exercise with him, so I have no idea if he is one of those who will complain the whole way lol. Ok, this just in, my cousin is also coming. Gotta go for now, the park is calling!
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