I stepped on the scale this morning and I was pleasantly surprised! I am at 201.4lbs! I lost more than I thought I would. That's a 4.8lb loss! Yay for me! After next week, I will see if I need to reformulate my goals.
Today was a pretty busy day. I was up early talking to my Jaan, and then I had to be at work at 10AM. Work was pretty busy. At least busy enough to keep me from feeling too down. (just about him being so far away..) Got off at 6PM and ran home to take a shower, then it was off to my Auntie's house for a cookout with some family and a few friends. I did really good and ate some chicken, salad, fruit salad, a tiny bit of baked beans and only a few bites of potato salad. I also got to chat with Jaan a bit then too. Now, I should be in bed, because I have to get up at at least 6AM to go to bed, but I am patiently waiting for a call from him lol. I am quite tired though, I only hope I do not fall asleep before I get to talk to him.
We are going to start learning french together. We'll be using Livemocha.com for a bit and see how that goes. It seems pretty cool. It supposedly teaches you similar to the way Rosetta Stone teaches. He has also been searching for some materials to help me learn Hindi. I think he is getting excited at the thought of me coming to India. Not just that I will be with him, but he actually wants to show me India. This year can't pass quickly enough! I really look forward to going. I know it will be a HUGE adjustment, and I will be far from home, but I can't help but be excited. Its something so different, and so new to me. Fascinating! I would love to do some photography there. It looks so colorful and alive. *sigh* This will be a long 11 months...
I need to lose 50+ pounds before I move half-way around the world! Can I do it? We'll see!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
2.84 Miles!
Looking forward to the weigh-in...
So this morning I took a sneak peak at my weight. I won't say anything yet, just that I was surprised! I also got a little notebook and I've started recording my food, that way I'll be able to see what caused my weight gain/loss. Anyway, talked to Jaan this morning. It was about 7AM here when he called, making it 4:30PM in India. He still has yet to tell his parents about me. He said he would try to do that today. He even said his mom had asked about his tattoo. He told her what it said, and to our surprise, she didn't ask anything else about it! Just to give you an idea, this is our tattoo:

Its an ambigram that says: 'come what may', words that really mean a lot to us. I am still so baffled that his mom didn't say anything else about it. I think that she either assumes its something to do with me, or she just dismissed it as her son doing whatever he wanted in America. I don't know. There has been ONE occasion that he had said he had a girlfriend in America. She didn't get much chance to say anything at the time, because he had bad reception and his calls kept dropping. She still hasn't said anything about it after that. But, he said he needed to tell them soon, so that if they don't agree, he could find a job here in the states. He said that he needed to do something soon, because he didn't think that it would be that hard without me, and that he was wrong. *Sigh* Hopefully within the next 3 months, I will have gotten my divorce from my first marriage over and done with, and I'll have started the process to get my passport. Fingers crossed!!! I was and still am really looking forward to going to India. Even if we don't end up living there, I at least want to visit once. It just looks so interesting, unique, colorful, etc.
In a few minutes here, I'll be going to the park again with another friend who is trying to lose weight. Every time I see him it seems as if he has shed 10-15 lbs! He is doing very good, and I hope I can have the same success. I am going to try to coerce him to go on a longer trail with me. I've never done any exercise with him, so I have no idea if he is one of those who will complain the whole way lol. Ok, this just in, my cousin is also coming. Gotta go for now, the park is calling!
Its an ambigram that says: 'come what may', words that really mean a lot to us. I am still so baffled that his mom didn't say anything else about it. I think that she either assumes its something to do with me, or she just dismissed it as her son doing whatever he wanted in America. I don't know. There has been ONE occasion that he had said he had a girlfriend in America. She didn't get much chance to say anything at the time, because he had bad reception and his calls kept dropping. She still hasn't said anything about it after that. But, he said he needed to tell them soon, so that if they don't agree, he could find a job here in the states. He said that he needed to do something soon, because he didn't think that it would be that hard without me, and that he was wrong. *Sigh* Hopefully within the next 3 months, I will have gotten my divorce from my first marriage over and done with, and I'll have started the process to get my passport. Fingers crossed!!! I was and still am really looking forward to going to India. Even if we don't end up living there, I at least want to visit once. It just looks so interesting, unique, colorful, etc.
In a few minutes here, I'll be going to the park again with another friend who is trying to lose weight. Every time I see him it seems as if he has shed 10-15 lbs! He is doing very good, and I hope I can have the same success. I am going to try to coerce him to go on a longer trail with me. I've never done any exercise with him, so I have no idea if he is one of those who will complain the whole way lol. Ok, this just in, my cousin is also coming. Gotta go for now, the park is calling!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Defeating temptation at a Buffet..
Today was a pretty good day. My mom, little sis, cousin, and I went to the park and walked a trail that was a little over 1.5 miles. FINALLY got some kind of exercise! I know its not much, but its something! We plan on doing it again tomorrow morning too. I just want to keep it up and at least do some sort of physical activity every day. My mom has some 'Core Rhythms' workout DVDs that I could try. She may also have some 'Taebo' too.
Jaan called me this afternoon when he got home in Kolkata. We spoke for a little bit and then he went to bed. He called again at about 9PM this evening when he woke up. It was about 6:30AM Sunday his time. That is one thing that we will both have to get used to. The only time that we will be able to talk to each other is when he is going to bed and I'm waking up, or visa versa. I've also been thinking about sending him a care package with things that he likes from America and a few inside jokes. Like breathe right strips.. he snores sooo loud haha! I need some more ideas though of what to send him.
Dinner tonight was out at Golden Corral. I was really proud of myself! I had a salad with some italian dressing, grilled chicken, a few small hunks of ham, onion, and cucumber. Then a plate with some chickpeas, green beans, a little bit of rice, a small baked sweet potato, one chunk of orange chicken and two chunks of beef tips. An odd mix I know, but it was yummy. I also avoided eating one of the yummy rolls they put on the table. I actually had my mom move them to the other side of the table, just so they didn't tempt me. I'm proud of myself. I know that this time around losing weight is different. I've got all this great motivation and so many things to look forward to. I know that my number one source of motivation is my Jaan. Even though he is 8200+ miles away, everything I do revolves around him. I wouldn't have it any other way!
I've been drinking some green tea along with just plain water, and when I do have the green tea, I sweeten it with Splenda. Lately though, I feel like when I drink the tea, even though I know its not real sugar, it seems as if I am drinking a bunch of sugar. Perhaps its the sweetness, or my subconscious trying to make me stop having something that tastes sweet. Either way, I think I am going to stop using it. I figure, if I can drink plain ol' water, I can drink unsweetened green tea.
Oh, I forgot to put this in yesterday's post. After my mom and I left her office yesterday, we went to a few thrift stores in the area. I found a pair of size 9 Arizona jeans for 99 cents. 99 CENTS!!! First of all, I have a pair of Arizona jeans in my size now, and I love them. Second, I feel like they will motivate me to lose the weight to get into them. Third, you can't beat 99 cents! I'd really like to find some cheap in-between jeans too. Maybe a size 14 and a size 12. Clothes is something I really look forward to once I get the weight off. I've always wanted to wear cute clothes but was always too big to actually look cute in them.
Well its off to bed... Good Night to you, Good Morning Jaan!
Jaan called me this afternoon when he got home in Kolkata. We spoke for a little bit and then he went to bed. He called again at about 9PM this evening when he woke up. It was about 6:30AM Sunday his time. That is one thing that we will both have to get used to. The only time that we will be able to talk to each other is when he is going to bed and I'm waking up, or visa versa. I've also been thinking about sending him a care package with things that he likes from America and a few inside jokes. Like breathe right strips.. he snores sooo loud haha! I need some more ideas though of what to send him.
Dinner tonight was out at Golden Corral. I was really proud of myself! I had a salad with some italian dressing, grilled chicken, a few small hunks of ham, onion, and cucumber. Then a plate with some chickpeas, green beans, a little bit of rice, a small baked sweet potato, one chunk of orange chicken and two chunks of beef tips. An odd mix I know, but it was yummy. I also avoided eating one of the yummy rolls they put on the table. I actually had my mom move them to the other side of the table, just so they didn't tempt me. I'm proud of myself. I know that this time around losing weight is different. I've got all this great motivation and so many things to look forward to. I know that my number one source of motivation is my Jaan. Even though he is 8200+ miles away, everything I do revolves around him. I wouldn't have it any other way!
I've been drinking some green tea along with just plain water, and when I do have the green tea, I sweeten it with Splenda. Lately though, I feel like when I drink the tea, even though I know its not real sugar, it seems as if I am drinking a bunch of sugar. Perhaps its the sweetness, or my subconscious trying to make me stop having something that tastes sweet. Either way, I think I am going to stop using it. I figure, if I can drink plain ol' water, I can drink unsweetened green tea.
Oh, I forgot to put this in yesterday's post. After my mom and I left her office yesterday, we went to a few thrift stores in the area. I found a pair of size 9 Arizona jeans for 99 cents. 99 CENTS!!! First of all, I have a pair of Arizona jeans in my size now, and I love them. Second, I feel like they will motivate me to lose the weight to get into them. Third, you can't beat 99 cents! I'd really like to find some cheap in-between jeans too. Maybe a size 14 and a size 12. Clothes is something I really look forward to once I get the weight off. I've always wanted to wear cute clothes but was always too big to actually look cute in them.
Well its off to bed... Good Night to you, Good Morning Jaan!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Stupid Ankle!!
OK, so the Couch to 5K is gonna have to be put on hold :(. A few weeks ago I sprained my ankle by doing something stupid, won't go into detail but, I had been recovering for the past few weeks. I had thought that I was completely healed up, but I keep twisting it or putting weight on it wrong at work, so it is still just a bit sore. I'm afraid that if I try to run, I will mess it up again or more than it already is. I tried to jog in place, and I feel pain when my foot/ankle are bent in a certain way. I'm really really disappointed. I REALLY wanted to start the C25K on Monday. I never thought I'd be this disappointed about not being able to do exercise! BUT, I will start to walk for at least 30 minutes every day until I feel that my ankle is good to go.
Jaan boarded his flight to India a few hours ago. He is so sweet. He had called before he got on the plane to tell me he'd call me tomorrow evening, and to say goodbye. After 15-20 minutes, he calls me once he is on the plane, just to say he loved me and goodbye again :). He also said this time, that he would call me as soon as he reached Calcutta(Kolkata). I have this feeling that over the next few days, he will be explaining me to his mom. He had asked me, "what do I tell my mom when she sees my tattoo?". (We got matching tattoos on our wrists a few weeks ago) "And your necklace." (I gave him one with my name on it) "The truth", I had said. "You mas as well tell her about me now, and be truthful about it, because she'd just be upset with you if she found out you had lied to her." He agreed that I was right, but he sounded reluctant about telling her.
I went to work with mom again today, and for lunch we, along with my mom's boss, went to an Indian restaurant called Rajput. They had a really yummy buffet, which was mostly vegetarian. I was hesitant to go to a buffet, but I really wanted Indian food. I am happy to say that I did really good and only had ONE plate of food! I had tandoori chicken, two other chicken dishes, a veggie dish, a tofu dish, some basmati rice, and some naan. I don't think Jaan would've liked it though, not enough spice for him :).
I also had a small NSV (Non-Scale Victory) today. I bought some chocolate covered almonds today, and was able to eat 6 or 7 and put them away! Normally I would've eaten the whole pack, which is probably 30ish! I was amazed at my self control! So, yay for me! lol
Jaan boarded his flight to India a few hours ago. He is so sweet. He had called before he got on the plane to tell me he'd call me tomorrow evening, and to say goodbye. After 15-20 minutes, he calls me once he is on the plane, just to say he loved me and goodbye again :). He also said this time, that he would call me as soon as he reached Calcutta(Kolkata). I have this feeling that over the next few days, he will be explaining me to his mom. He had asked me, "what do I tell my mom when she sees my tattoo?". (We got matching tattoos on our wrists a few weeks ago) "And your necklace." (I gave him one with my name on it) "The truth", I had said. "You mas as well tell her about me now, and be truthful about it, because she'd just be upset with you if she found out you had lied to her." He agreed that I was right, but he sounded reluctant about telling her.
I went to work with mom again today, and for lunch we, along with my mom's boss, went to an Indian restaurant called Rajput. They had a really yummy buffet, which was mostly vegetarian. I was hesitant to go to a buffet, but I really wanted Indian food. I am happy to say that I did really good and only had ONE plate of food! I had tandoori chicken, two other chicken dishes, a veggie dish, a tofu dish, some basmati rice, and some naan. I don't think Jaan would've liked it though, not enough spice for him :).
I also had a small NSV (Non-Scale Victory) today. I bought some chocolate covered almonds today, and was able to eat 6 or 7 and put them away! Normally I would've eaten the whole pack, which is probably 30ish! I was amazed at my self control! So, yay for me! lol
Thursday, May 27, 2010
My Plan for Exercise...
I've always seen different people discussing this on forums, but never took a look at it until now. I plan to start the 'Couch to 5K' on Monday. If you've never heard of it, its a 9 week program that supposedly helps you go from short intervals of walking and jogging, to jogging 5 kilometers without stopping. 9 weeks! Wow! Looks easy enough, and I have GOT to start some kind of exercise program. So, If I start this Monday, the 31st, I will finish by July 30th! You can check out the program here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
Tomorrow morning, jaan will get on a plane and fly to New York, and then tomorrow evening, he will fly to India. He is my inspiration, or 'thinspiration' if you prefer. I've tried dieting and losing weight several times before, but I feel like this time is different, because I actually have something to work towards and look forward to. I want to be thinner for him, for his mother, to wear beautiful Indian clothing, and also just to feel better about myself. He is planning on losing weight, so I can't let him slim down and remain as big as a whale. Jaan e-mailed me some pictures that a friend of his took of us. I was so disgusted when I saw them. All I kept thinking was, 'Am I really that big?! Do I really look like that?!?'. Pictures like that also inspire me to lose the weight. I believe it is possible to do it in 6 months, but... my goals from my previous post, are spaced out for I think 10 months. If the weight starts falling off, I will reformulate my goals.
Tomorrow morning, jaan will get on a plane and fly to New York, and then tomorrow evening, he will fly to India. He is my inspiration, or 'thinspiration' if you prefer. I've tried dieting and losing weight several times before, but I feel like this time is different, because I actually have something to work towards and look forward to. I want to be thinner for him, for his mother, to wear beautiful Indian clothing, and also just to feel better about myself. He is planning on losing weight, so I can't let him slim down and remain as big as a whale. Jaan e-mailed me some pictures that a friend of his took of us. I was so disgusted when I saw them. All I kept thinking was, 'Am I really that big?! Do I really look like that?!?'. Pictures like that also inspire me to lose the weight. I believe it is possible to do it in 6 months, but... my goals from my previous post, are spaced out for I think 10 months. If the weight starts falling off, I will reformulate my goals.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Aloo Gobi for Breakfast and Home-made Chapatis
This is what I had for breakfast this morning!:

Left-over Aloo Gobi from last night's dinner, a scrambled egg, and a chapati. Yum!
Today has been a pretty boring day. I did make my own chapatis finally though. I made up the dough and rolled them out, laid them on some wax paper and froze them for later.

I did cook one, to see how they turned out, and they're not bad!
My mom and little sister are going to a concert tonight, so for dinner, I think I may have a tuna steak, Mmmm! One of the few fish I actually like. I guess I should get used to eating different fish...they eat a lot of it in India. I'm just glad I don't really eat a lot of beef haha!
Left-over Aloo Gobi from last night's dinner, a scrambled egg, and a chapati. Yum!
Today has been a pretty boring day. I did make my own chapatis finally though. I made up the dough and rolled them out, laid them on some wax paper and froze them for later.
I did cook one, to see how they turned out, and they're not bad!
My mom and little sister are going to a concert tonight, so for dinner, I think I may have a tuna steak, Mmmm! One of the few fish I actually like. I guess I should get used to eating different fish...they eat a lot of it in India. I'm just glad I don't really eat a lot of beef haha!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Sweet Website for Recipes!
It even has an adorable old Indian lady with videos of her cooking! I'm going to try her chapati recipe tonight!
It even has an adorable old Indian lady with videos of her cooking! I'm going to try her chapati recipe tonight!
Setting Goals...
So today, I accompanied my mom to her work. Not much to do at home and I won't be tempted to eat bad stuff, not that I really have much desire to. Granted, there isn't much to do here either, but there is a computer with a HUGE monitor... much better than the tiny netbook I normally use. I decided to set some goals and even printed up a neat chart to record weights on. So my goals for the next 10 months are as follows:
Tonight, I think I will make some kind of Indian food. I'm thinking about Aloo Gobi or Cashew Chicken, but I'm not sure just yet. I did discover a really neat-looking festival held at the capitol city. Its called 'Festival of India' and the pictures on the website look so cool. It will give me a chance to buy a sari! Jaan and I were trying to find places locally that sold sarees, but we could never find them. Its also not until September 25-26th, so that will give me time to slim down a bit. Definitely something I'm looking forward to!
- June 21st-First day of summer!: 198.2
- July 5th-Day after Independence Day: 195
- August 7th-5 month anniversary: 188
- September 6th-Lil Sis's birthday: 182
- September 25th-Festival of India: 178
- October 31st-Halloween: 173
- November 29th-Monday after Thanksgiving: 168
- December 27th-Monday after Christmas: 164
- January 17th-Random day lol: 160
- February 14th-Valentine's Day: 156
- March 7th-1 yr anniversary and my jaan's birthday!!: 150!
Tonight, I think I will make some kind of Indian food. I'm thinking about Aloo Gobi or Cashew Chicken, but I'm not sure just yet. I did discover a really neat-looking festival held at the capitol city. Its called 'Festival of India' and the pictures on the website look so cool. It will give me a chance to buy a sari! Jaan and I were trying to find places locally that sold sarees, but we could never find them. Its also not until September 25-26th, so that will give me time to slim down a bit. Definitely something I'm looking forward to!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Day 1...
I started my morning having to chase down 3 of our 5 dogs, bring them back home, and give them baths because they smelled like a shit swamp. Of course, after all of that, I smelled bad too so I jumped in the shower. For breakfast, there wasn't much to have. I settled for 2 eggs, scrambled, strawberry yogurt, and an english muffin. I did weigh myself before all that nonsense, and I was 206.2lbs. Only 56.2lbs to go haha.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
"Last Meal"
Right now I'm enjoying the last bit of real sugar I will have in a loooong time. My 'last meal' of sorts is a big slice of New York style cheese cake, Mmmm! I am really excited to start eating right though. My mom started her garden a week or so ago, and the vegetables are already growing very fast. She has planted tomatoes, onions, peppers, cucumbers, green beans, squash, and zucchini. I look forward to using it all. Since my jaan has introduced me to Indian food, I realize that you can have awesome and tasty food without using a lot of salt. Its all about the spices. I never really used many spices in my cooking, and when I told my jaan that I wanted to start making Indian food, he brought me all his spices to cook with. He also plans to lose some weight when he goes back home to India. We'll be a couple of sexay people :P
Today was the most depressing day ever...
Today, the love of my life left the state, and by Friday, he will have left the country. He is from Calcutta (Kolkata), India. (I will always refer to him as my jaan) I will not see him, physically, for about 11 months. It was all I could do to keep myself from crying all the way to work this morning. But, he told me to be happy, and to use this year to spend time with my family, because after he comes back, I hope to be going with him to India. There is much to accomplish before I see him again. I want to lose about 60lbs, I am going to be learning Hindi and French, learning to cook Indian food, get my divorce from my first marriage, get my passport, and eventually my visa.
In order to lose the weight, I plan to avoid sugar, soda, high-sodium, fried, high-fat, etc. Also drink a lot of water. My jaan will be teaching me Hindi, and we will be learning French together. He taught me to cook a few Indian dishes before he left.
So tonight is the first lonely night of sooo many to come. This will be the hardest 11 months to get through, but in the end, it will be so worth it.
In order to lose the weight, I plan to avoid sugar, soda, high-sodium, fried, high-fat, etc. Also drink a lot of water. My jaan will be teaching me Hindi, and we will be learning French together. He taught me to cook a few Indian dishes before he left.
So tonight is the first lonely night of sooo many to come. This will be the hardest 11 months to get through, but in the end, it will be so worth it.
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