I'm off work today. It has been a pretty lazy Sunday (Ravivaar in Hindi). I feel kind of accomplished today. Not that I have done anything in particular today, but that I am
still committed to my weight loss. In the past, I probably wouldn't have made it past a month and I would've reverted back to my old ways of eating/drinking. I just have the best motivation in the world IMO. I am starting to realize that I really really can do this. It may take the whole 11 months, but I will do this! We'll be going to the park after it cools off to finally get back to walking. I am going to insist that we do the entire 2.84 miles. I am also going to attempt to jog some of it if my ankle will allow me to.
I got one of my Hindi books in the mail a few days ago. It's a Hindi, Urdu, & Bengali Phrasebook. I'm making flash cards of phrases and words that I will probably use most. Jaan told me to memorize the days of the week by the end of today. Monday=Somvaar, Tuesday=Mangalvaar, Wednesday=Buudvaar, Thursday=Guruvaar, Friday=Shuukravaar, Saturday=Shanivaar, and Sunday=Ravivaar.
I do have to work tomorrow, but I am off Tuesday-Saturday, so I will probably end up going with my mom to her office. I like to go there 1. because it is cooler than the house, 2. better computer, 3.I like to paint there. I have one completed sketch to paint, one sketch that just needs a little more added to it, and I have a sketch planned for another painting, so I will have a lot I can do. I also have another book coming in the mail, so that will also give me more to study... I just need to keep myself busy and stay on track!